najprv si pozrite túto reklamu na hračky GoldieBlox, čo bola po celom internete tento týždeň: o prepis pesničky z tej reklamy:
You think you know what we want, girls!
Pink and pretty: it’s girls!
Just like the 50’s, it’s girls!You like to buy us pink toys,
and everything else is for boys.
And you can always get us dolls,
and we’ll grow up like [??].It’s time to change.
We deserve to see a range.
‘Cause all our toys look just the same,
and we would like to use our brains.We are all more than princess-made.
Girls build the spaceships,
Girls that code a new app,
Girls that grow up knowing
that they can engineer that.Girls!
That’s all we really need, is girls!
To bring us up to speed is girls!
Our opportunities as girls!
Don’t underestimate girls!Girls! Girls! Girls!
Girls! Girls! Girls!
… snaha sa cení. Ale stále to nie je dobre. Niekoľko postrehov:
– keď si pozriete tú hračku, o ktorú vlastne ide, stále je pastelová, vrátane ružovej farby, určená špeciálne pre dievčatá (kto kúpi takéto niečo pre chlapca? v pozadí potom assumption, že táto už je konečne pre dievčatá zatiaľčo ostatné boli pre chlapcov??)… (a nie je to rarita, napr. tento švédsky katalóg sa hrdí, aký je gender-neutral (h/t Zuzine za linku), ale hneď prvý obrázok – ružový vysávač pre dievčatko, modrý pre chlapca)
– reklama na ňu používa presne tú rétoriku (chlapci chcú stavať, dievčatá chcú čítať), proti ktorej sa naoko snaží bojovať…
– aj keby táto hračka bola ideálna, tak nevyrieši ten problém, ktorý sa tvári, že má riešiť. Nedostatok žien v STEM odvetviach nie je niečo, čo zachránia hračky a malé dievčatá. Na tom sa musia veľkou mierou podieľať chlapi v STEM odvetviach.
– somewhat related: glass ceiling at Cellular Solutions
už pred dvoma týždňami bola jedna dobrá linka o antibiotikách, teraz ešte jedna: Imaginig the post-antibiotics future
a toto video (od Mirečka) musíte vidieť: Steinem accepts the presidential medal of freedom
The first time journalist, organizer, and Ms. magazine co-founder Gloria Steinem graced the podium at the National Press Club, it was as the first woman ever invited to do so. However many points one might give the club’s members for having chosen the country’s most famous feminist for that honor, some must be subtracted for their having handed her what was then the standard thank you gift to Press Club speakers: a man’s tie.
“You know, people often ask me, at this age, who am I passing the torch to? And I always say, first of all, that I’m not giving up my torch, thank you very much,” she said to appreciative laughter from the audience. “But also, I’m using my torch to light other people’s torches. Because the idea that there’s one torch-passer is part of the bonkers hierarchical idea—and if we each have a torch, there’s a lot more light.
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