Víkendové surfovanie

detská lebka predtým, ako začnú vypadávať mliečne zuby:

lebka so zubami

dve poznámky: 1. ufff, zdá sa, že okolo 6tich rokov úder do spodnej časti tváre znamená, že sa to celé rozsype. Kúsok kosti bol zjavne odobratý, aby bolo tie zuby a zubné zárodky vidno, ale aj tak mi to pripadá, že to celé ledva drží pokope. 2. trochu mi to nesedí. Bolo to síce už dávno, ale čo si ja pamätám, tak mliečne zuby nemali také veľké korene, ako vidno tu. Či?

Alanis Morissette: Guardian

ukradli môj nápad spred 15tich rokov

americkí olympionici – niektoré z tých fotiek sú parádne

5 najviac sexistických kostýmov pre superhrdinky; čitatelia si autora si v komentároch poddali a tak sa rozhodol odpovedať článkom 8 najhlúpejších obhajob pri obvineniach zo sexizmu

If you think hot women have it easy because everyone wants to have sex at them, you’re both wrong and also the reason you’re wrong. Most people don’t base their quality of life around how hard it is to get laid, because they actually do get laid, and it isn’t that hard to do. Being a straight male is tremendous fun and sexuality’s lowest difficulty setting: You know what you want and everyone else in your demographic will praise you for being able to do it. No one else on the spectrum of sexual orientation can say that. If women hate you for cursing about how stupid “bitches” are, it’s not because you’re the victim of an anti-male conspiracy: It’s because you’re you.

Zaujímavé to slovné spojenie v citáte vyššie – lowest difficulty setting. Natrafila som naň aj v inom článku Biely heterosexuálny muž – Najľahšia možná obtiažnosť

Dudes. Imagine life … is a massive role playing game, like World of Warcraft except appallingly mundane, where most quests involve the acquisition of money, cell phones and donuts, although not always at the same time. Let’s call it The Real World. You have installed The Real World on your computer and are about to start playing, but first you go to the settings tab to bind your keys, fiddle with your defaults, and choose the difficulty setting for the game. Got it?

Okay: In the role playing game known as The Real World, “Straight White Male” is the lowest difficulty setting there is.

You can lose playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The lowest difficulty setting is still the easiest setting to win on. The player who plays on the “Gay Minority Female” setting? Hardcore.

veci niekedy nie sú také ako sa zdajú (sú toho necelé dve minúty, pozrite si to celé):

o kojení na verejnosti z pohľadu otca

When my wife began breastfeeding I faced my hard reality.  The boob was not for my sexual pleasure.  It was to feed our hungry daughter.  Over and over my wife would ‘whip it out’ for the purposes of motherhood.  At times I caught myself resenting this scourging of the sexuality of this thing.  This milk-producing breast.  This non-sexual breast.  The sexual breast was all I ever knew.

My evolution as a man was healthy.  I learned respect for mothers.  For all the other roles of women.  My own internal dissonance helped me understand the difficulty women have being accepted as anything else than a funnel for sex.

a ešte raz o kojení z pohľadu otca ako reakcia na nedávnu titulku časopisu Time

It’s puritanical, and all based on highly subjective feelings. There are simply no facts (that I’m aware of) that show nursing after a certain age is bad for a kid.  Since it’s such a personal thing, maybe we should just leave it up to the mother and child to decide what’s best. Women are already fighting enough battles over what they’re allowed to do with their bodies. Let’s not add another one.

6 mýtov o niekoľkoročnom kojení (schválne nepíšem dlhodobom, v tom článku vám povedia, že prečo)


  1. ahoj,

    tak aj mne tie zuby nesedia. presne to iste ma napdalo co teba, este pred tym, co som citala tvoj komentar. sak mliecne zuby su o tom, ze nemaju korene a mliecne stolicky su len take tehlicky…

    no a ten tvoj napad – to video je super. si pamatam na tvoj pripevok – bolo to skrz trening retoriky? ale si tam aj uvazovala o tom praktickom vyuziti poznatkov?
    hm,a nebolo tam aj nieco o velkosti nohy?
    sranda je, ze si vobec nespominam o com som hovorila ja.

    1. ano, ano… to bolo to trenovanie retoriky na slovencine
      co sa tyka praktickeho vyuzitia poznatkov, som si ista, ze perpetuum mobile by sa vedelo uzivit v roznych oblastiach
      a mne sa tiez cosi mari s velkostou nohy, ale uz si nepamatam, co to bolo

      1. to bolo o studii, ze velkost nohy je priamo zavisla s velkostou niecoho ineho.
        a napriklad Tomas T. sa velmi potesil….

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