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fotka “napalmového dievčatka” z Vietnamskej vojny má 40 rokov a o tom, čo sa s Kim Phuc potom stalo

Jennifer Egan: Čierna skrinka – dlhé a zaujímavé; Najprv som si myslela, že čítam báseň. Bolo tam zopár výborných “veršov”. Potom prišlo prekvapenie na konci.

niekedy všetko, čo zvládnem, je dýchať – o popôrodnej depresii

The sense of treading water has been with me for so many months now and I was sure that it would ease up with the better weather, with the thrush going away, more sleep, with the passage of time, with x, y and z. But my load is technically lighter now and the sun is shining and I only wake once or twice a night most nights and I’m still finding myself weary down to my bones and having to try to convince myself all day about how good I have it. Something isn’t right.

matematika nestačí – o vyjednávaní rovnocenných partnerstiev

In general, childcare is extremely emotionally taxing, and care of one’s own children is emotionally taxing in ways our culture fails to grasp even at a basic level. Inner turmoil and guilt surrounding natural ambivalent feelings about our children can tax us to the extreme. These feelings are particularly culturally forbidden for mothers, and may be worsened for mothers who make the choice to practice equal parenting. Additionally, mothers do not receive the positive validation men do for childcare. On the other hand, men who engage in frequent childcare must face the emotional toll of being perceived as gender variant, as well as not performing their culturally sanctioned roll as “provider”. Many of us experience the effects of these feelings but are unable to articulate them to ourselves or our partners. Emotional work, whether in or outside the home, requires extra time off to process, decompress, unwind, and care for ourselves.

keď sú tradičné úlohy vymenené – toto je linka, na ktorú odkazuje aj matematika nestačí z odstavca vyššie, takže ak ste na ňu klikli už odtiaľ, tak druhýkrát nemusíte, ale zdalo sa mi to dostatočne zaujímavé na to, aby som sa nespoliehala…

všetka voda na Zemi (fotka) – a kopa iných zaujímavých, ak sa vám chce klikať dopredu alebo dozadu

musíme sa porozprávať:

Musíme sa porozprávať

čo to znamená tancovať nahá

As I keep marching on into my 30′s my body conforms less and less to the Western standards of perfection. Luckily this ‘decline’ coincides with my ability to give a shit. Of course there are moments when I look down at my baby-bump turned skin-flap and wish it away. Sometimes I see pictures of my pre-breastfeeding cleavage and feel a twinge of nostalgia. And occasionally I stare at an obviously heavily photoshopped image of a model and pretend there is a universe in which that is even an option for any human woman let alone me. But instead of leading me to pledge never to eat carbs again, these moments make me outraged because I am in great shape, I treat my body well, I am healthy and active and yet still it’s not good enough.

pre našich priateľov za morom – otvorený list najvyššiemu súdu o zdravotnom poistení (komiks)

32 inovácií, ktoré (vraj) zmenia váš zajtrajšok 

ako Pixar vyrába príbehy

ako sa vyrábali voskové pastelky:


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