Nielenže nestíham písať, čo sa mi preháňa hlavou, nestíham ani len čítať, čo mám naškrečkované v bookmarks. Toto som mala odložené ešte od februára a natrafila som na to pri dnešnom upratovaní: Milý Oskar, aj ženy majú príbehy
In the highlights of [great] movies from the past few decades, there wasn’t a single clip of a woman doing something that related to her children, her friends, her work or her contribution to the world. There wasn’t a single clip of a woman leading, making a choice, making a decision or showing agency. There wasn’t even a single clip of a woman experiencing a moment of meaning or joy.
There wasn’t a single clip of a woman that didn’t have to do with either her romance with a man or with her getting attacked.
Here are the four things we hear from the women in the montage:
- We’re getting married in five hours! (Yelling angrily at fiance).
- Woman screaming in fear in shower
- Yes!…Yes!…Ohhhhh! (Meg Ryan faking her orgasm).
- I’ll have what she’s having. (Response to Meg Ryan’s fake orgasm).
Pozorovali Higgsov bozón, ktorý teoretický fyzik Peter Higgs predpovedal pred skoro 50timi rokmi. Alebo presnejšie povedané – časticu, ktorá by ním mohla byť.
všetkých 135 štartov raketoplánov naraz (video)
nevyčajné slová zaujímavo nakreslené
Angie Stevens @ Doodlemom parádne kreslí
(somewhat related: Môj otec bol včera na svadbe a po obrade čakali svadobčania pred reštauráciou, kedy dorazí nevesta, aby sa mohlo ísť dnu. Chvíľu to trvalo a keď potom zisťovali, že prečo, vysvitlo, že medzitým stíhala nakojiť svoju ročnú dcérku.)
o tom, akí sú v dnešnej dobe všetci zaneprázdnení
Even children are busy now, scheduled down to the half-hour with classes and extracurricular activities. They come home at the end of the day as tired as grown-ups. I was a member of the latchkey generation and had three hours of totally unstructured, largely unsupervised time every afternoon, time I used to do everything from surfing the World Book Encyclopedia to making animated films to getting together with friends in the woods to chuck dirt clods directly into one another’s eyes, all of which provided me with important skills and insights that remain valuable to this day. Those free hours became the model for how I wanted to live the rest of my life.
o menštruačných vložkách v Indii
When Arunachalam Muruganantham spotted his wife gathering dirty rags in their home one day he asked her what they were for. If he was shocked by her reluctant response – that she was using them for her monthly period – he was even more taken back by her reply when he asked why she was not buying sanitary napkins in the shop. “If I buy sanitary napkins,” she had told him. “It means I cannot afford to buy milk for the family.”
a toto tiež nie – jazda na koni je jeden z mála športov, kde muži a ženy súťažia spolu a nie v oddelených kategóriách, ale zjavne aj tam sa treba postarať, aby sa nezabudlo na všetky stereotypy, ktoré sa dajú aplikovať. Keby išlo o muža, jeho úspech by bol pripisovaný talentu a tvrdej práci. Ide o ženu, takže je zjavne dôležité, ako vyzerá (nahá na koni), ako senzuálne sa vie ku koňovi pritisnúť. A ako ten obrázok pôsobí v kombinácii s prvou vetou. Nemám nič proti nahote ako takej, ale vadí mi, keď sú ženy brané ako objekty.
The figure above is really telling a story. What it says is this. If a language has just two color terms, they will be a light and a dark shade – blacks and whites. Add a third color, and it’s going to be red. Add another, and it will be either green or yellow – you need five colors to have both. And when you get to six colors, the green splits into two, and you now have a blue. What we’re seeing here is a deeply trodden road that most languages seem to follow