pozri, nedržím sa – o autách bez šoférov; vyzerá, že akurát, keď mi šoférovanie začne naozaj ísť, už ho nebudem potrebovať
Janet Hyde, a professor of psychology and women’s studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, has studied the gender gap across a broad spectrum of skills. She believes that men and women aren’t as different as they are often portrayed, and she has mined data on social, psychological, communication and physical traits, skills and behaviors to quantify the gap. After looking at 46 meta-analyses, Hyde found what she defined as a “very large” difference in only two skills: throwing velocity and throwing distance.
To understand why a girl “throws like a girl,” it’s necessary to define just what throwing like a girl is. According to Thomas, a girl throwing overhand looks more like she’s throwing a dart than a ball. It’s a slow, weak, forearm motion, with a short step on the same side as the throwing hand. A boy’s throw, by contrast, involves the entire body. Thomas describes a skillful overhand throw as an uncoiling in three phases: step (with the foot opposite the throwing hand), rotate (with hips first, then shoulders) and whip (with the arm and hand).
o tom, prečo tak veľa filmov neprejde Bechdelovej testom
Only to learn there was still something wrong with my writing, something unanticipated by my professors. My scripts had multiple women with names. Talking to each other. About something other than men. That, they explained nervously, was not okay. I asked why. Well, it would be more accurate to say I politely demanded a thorough, logical explanation that made sense for a change (I’d found the “audience won’t watch women!” argument pretty questionable, with its ever-shifting reasons and parameters).
At first I got several tentative murmurings about how it distracted from the flow or point of the story. I went through this with more than one professor, more than one industry professional. Finally, I got one blessedly telling explanation from an industry pro: “The audience doesn’t want to listen to a bunch of women talking about whatever it is women talk about.”
Dôsledok našich vzdelávacích postupov môžeme vidieť pri jednoduchej úlohe: kým u detí funguje vo veľkej časti predstavivosť a absentuje strach z omylu, s pribúdajúcim vekom môžeme pozorovať zvýšenú tendenciu o popísanie niečoho, čo sa reálne (podľa nás) popísať nedá a bojíme sa toho, že to popíšeme zle. Nakreslite šťastie. Pre deti na základnej škole hračka, rovnaká úloha môže na humanitnej fakulte pokojne zaznieť aj v rámci štátnic a oblek dotyčného sa prepotí v rádoch milisekúnd.
Trestáme chyby (viac omylov = horšia známka = pomalší postup vzdelávacím systémom, niekedy aj vylúčenie z procesu), potláčame predstavivosť (piamočiarym nastavovaním mantinelov = osvojenie všeobecne uznaného názoru na vec sa považuje za dobré = strach vystúpiť proti davu a poukázať na nezrovnalosti) a čo je najviac podstatné, zabúdame na to, že aj my sme boli kedysi v koži detí, ktoré sa chceli hrať, objavovať a nebáť sa.
otec si obliekol sukňu, aby sa syn nehanbil za šaty
čo účes prezrádza o dievčati (1944)
z tohto mi behajú zimomriavky po chrbte
I need a tampon. Why am I apologizing for that? I’m a woman. My body makes babies. This is part of how it happens. I don’t understand.… Like those tampon ads where they show you how it’s small enough that no one will know. We’re supposed to hide it. Why?