Víkendové surfovanie

aj mama ostane na fotke

But we really need to make an effort to get in the picture. Our sons need to see how young and beautiful and human their mamas were. Our daughters need to see us vulnerable and open and just being ourselves — women, mamas, people living lives. Avoiding the camera because we don’t like to see our own pictures? How can that be okay?

Halloween status

Jednu zimu sme tak platonicky rozmýšľali nad výletom do Fairbanks (na Aljaške). Nakoniec sme nešli (príliš drahé letenky), ale stále platí, že by som sa tam niekedy chcela ísť pozrieť. (Problém bude v rozhodovaní, či v zime – kvôli polárnej žiare – alebo v lete – aby sme mohli aj trochu turistikovať po národných parkoch.) Zatiaľ iba zaujímavé čítanie o tom, aké je to tam s malými deťmi.

ďakovný list konzervatívnym politikom

výborný článok o mozgu – od chladiaceho systému k zariadeniu na rozmýšľanie

zdá sa, že tu (Introducing ‘The Sexes’) možno bude zaujímavé čítanie

childrearing vs parenting – tento článok by som sem najradšej vložila celý (nie je ani dlhý), ale predsalen iba kúsok vystrihnem a pošlem vás ísť si prečítať zvyšok tam

Childrearing can be tedious, or easy, or challenging — usually each or all in turns. But the kicker is, the key and secret that those who denigrate childrearing never acknowledge, is that what children most need, more than organized playrooms or clean tables or even getting to schools, is to have adults who love them so deeply and broadly and fiercely that we’ll do the reflexive work of parenting. They need us not merely to be centered, but to center ourselves: they need to see how we wobble and return and be broken and yet thrive and be triggered and move on. They need us, us, whole and human and damaged and glorious, they need us bodies and breasts and arms and laps and minds and souls and they will eat us down and leave us drained and that is what they are supposed to do. It is what we did, what I did, what you did, and we can see this as a horror, or we can see it as a gift, or we can see it, we can know it, as life. Life. Just life.

pri príležitosti nadchádzajúcich amerických prezidentských volieb 

One comment

  1. O Aljaske aj my obcas rozmyslame, no urcite pojdeme v lete. Polarna ziara je asi nezabudnutelny zazitok, ale da sa vidiet aj v Skandinavii alebo (juznej) Kanade, kde je to blizsie, lacnejsie a je co pozerat aj mimo prirody – polarnej noci by som asi mala po par dnoch dost :).

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