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top 10 sexist comments in politics

if you know someone who doesn’t believe sexism exists, show them this

Angelina Jolie v OSN:

I will never forget the survivors I’ve met, or what they told me. The mother in Goma, whose five-year-old daughter had been raped outside a police station in plain view. Or the Syrian woman I met in Jordan last week, who asked I hide her name and face, because she knew that if she spoke out against the crimes against her, she would be attacked and possibly killed.

Rape is a tool of war. It is an act of aggression and a crime against humanity. The numbers are so vast, and the numbers so painful, that we often have to stop to remember that, behind each number is someone with a name, a personality, a story, and dreams no different from ours and those of our children.

I understand that there are many things that are difficult for the UN Security Council to agree on, but sexual violence in conflict should not be one of them. That it is a crime to rape young children is not something I imagine anyone in this room would not be able to agree on.

The rights and wrongs of this issue are straightforward, and the actions that need to be taken have been identified. What is needed is political will. And that is what is being asked of your countries today: To act on the knowledge of what is right and what is unjust, and to show the determination to do something about it.

chlapíkovi operujú hlavu a on pri tom hrá na gitare – video … ako tam funguje anestéza??

introverti, nedajte sa podceňovať


  1. Pri operacii mozgu, neviem, ci vzdy alebo vynimocne robia lokalnu anesteziu, aby mali kontakt s pacientom.. mala som znameho, ktory mal nador na mozgu a pocas operacie s nim komunikovali, lebo hrozilo, ze mu poskodia recove centrum.. potrebovali, aby bol pri vedomi.. ale myslim, ze to bolo len raz. Pri ostatnych mal celkovu anesteziu

    1. No dobre, ale ked je pri vedomi, tak neposkodia? Akoze rozpravame sa a zrazu ticho, ups, to sme zarezali prilis hlboko… dobre, robim si srandu, ale stale nerozumiem, ze v com to spravi rozdiel, pokial priamo pri tej operacii nerobia aj nejake fMRI alebo nieco podobne, aby videli, kde v tom mozgu prebieha aktivita.

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