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The selection process for the kaihōgyō is after the first 100 days of running, the gyōja (trainee monk) will petition the senior monks to complete the remaining 900 days. In the first 100 days, withdrawal from the challenge is possible, but from day 101 onwards the monk is no longer allowed to withdraw; he must either complete the course or take his own life.

JK Rowling revealed as author of The Cuckoo’s Calling

Kate Mills, fiction editor at Orion Books, admitted she had turned down the crime novel, which she described as “well-written but quiet”. “So, I can now say that I turned down JK Rowling. I did read and say no to Cuckoo’s Calling. Anyone else going to confess?” she tweeted.

najintelektuálnejšie vtipy tu a tu

Snake Island

At one snake per meter, you’re never more than three feet away from death.

A Human-Powered Helicopter Wins the $250,000 Sikorsky Prize

The rules of the American Helicopter Society Igor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter Challenge, established in 1980, specify that the craft must fly for 60 seconds, must rise to an altitude of at least 3 meters, and must remain within a horizontal area no bigger than 10 meters by 10 meters.

Dear George Zimmerman … tento týždeň som čítala veľa reakcií na rozsudok pre Georga Zimmermana, ale táto zarezonovala najviac. Oslobodili ho z obvinenia z vraždy 17-ročného neozbrojeného Trayvona Martina, ktorý pred ním utekal. White supremacy v dnešnej praxi. Mať právo byť v bezpečí nerovná sa mať právo cítiť sa bezpečne… ale to porota (6 žien, z toho 5 bielych, všetky majú deti) vidí inak.

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