life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

fotky z Burning man… je to dosť ťažko popísateľná týždenná akcia v Nevadskej púšti novel writing month – tento rok to nepôjde, možno ten budúci phdcomics – statistics a data scientist is … Data science is statistics on a Mac. A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any…



kyvadlá (od Milana): Why the U.S. chills its eggs and most of the world doesn’t – ja som sa s tým prvýkrát stretla na jednej farme práve v USA (v Colorade). Vojdem do špajze a tam tri kýble vajec. Po pár opatrných otázkach som sa dozvedela, že kým sa nezačnú chladiť, tak sú (relatívne dlho) ok aj bez chladničky… The Corrs…


Víkendové surfovanie

the day of the condom The Effects of Menstruation on Attitudes Towards Women Participants interacted with a female confederate who ostensibly accidentally dropped either a tampon or hair clip out of her handbag. Dropping the tampon led to lower evaluations of the confederate’s competence, decreased liking for her, and a marginal tendency to avoid sitting close to her. Relational Self…


Kde sú tie hubíky?

Ja sa stále sťažujem, že toto leto nebolo nič moc. Akosi sa mi zdá, že som nemala dosť slniečka a že stále pršalo. Objektívne to asi nie je celkom tak, nejaké leto bolo, ale pravda je, že teplo s takouto kopou dažďa znamená, že hubom sa darí. A tak po počúvaní z rôznych strán naookolo, kto kde už bol na…



Yes, men are better writers – toto by som sem najradšej skopírovala celé… takže, ak si otvoríte len jednu z týchto liniek, nech je to táto Recently, I received an email from a literary publication asking me to comment on why ‘women are underrepresented in major publications’. Since I’m a single mother, working six days a week, and I wasn’t going…


Víkendové surfovanie when patients read what their doctors write Since I started sharing notes with my patients, they have made dozens of valuable corrections and changes, such as adding medication allergies and telling me when a previous medical problem has been resolved. We come up with treatment plans together. And when patients leave, they receive a copy of my detailed instructions….


Fieldsova medaila po prvýkrát pre ženu

Dostala ju Maryam Mirzakhani z Iránu. The Fields Medal is given every four years, and several can be awarded at once. The other recipients this year are Artur Avila of the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics in Brazil and the National Center for Scientific Research in France; Manjul Bhargava of Princeton University; and Martin Hairer of the University…
