Prosím, vyplňte tento prieskum o dojčení v slovenských pôrodniciach, ktorý robia Ženské kruhy v spolupráci s OZ Mamila. Naozaj to má zmysel. Zistenia z posledného dotazníka (ktorý sa týkal šitia poranení hrádze) sa dostali do povedomia ľudí, ktorí majú šancu iniciovať zmeny a ľady sa začínajú hýbať. Tentokrát ide o posvietenie si na dodržiavanie povinností nemocníc, ktoré sa hrdia titulom Baby Friendly Hospital. – projekt, na ktorom sa podieľala moja sesternica, sa zameriava na bezpečnosť detí a mládeže, najmä na riziká internetu, mobilov a nových technológií. Pre nižšiu vekovú kategóriu detí projekt pôsobí ako prevencia, mládeži vtipne nastavuje zrkadlo ich nevhodného správania sa a dospelých chce projekt poučiť. Okrem iného sú jeho súčasťou takéto kratučké rozprávky:
pri príležitosti včerajšej návštevy hvezdárne: putting time into perspective, putting distance into perspective
výroky Linusa Torvaldsa, za všetky aspoň tieto
…the Linux philosophy is “laugh in the face of danger”. Oops. Wrong one. “Do it yourself”. That’s it.
Really, I’m not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect.
Theory and practice sometimes clash. And when that happens, theory loses. Every single time.
Software is like sex; it’s better when it’s free.
800 wooden balls shape-shift into a perfect spiral
Men just don’t trust women. And this is a problem
This conversation is how, after five months of marriage, eight months of being engaged, and another year of whatever the hell we were doing before we got engaged, I realized I don’t trust my wife.
When the concept of trust is brought up, it’s usually framed in the context of actions; of what we think a person is capable of doing. If you trust someone, it means you trust them not to cheat. Or steal. Or lie. Or smother you in your sleep. By this measure, I definitely trust my wife. I trust the shit out of her. I also trust her opinions about important things. I trusted that she’d make a great wife, and a trust that she’ll be a great mother. And I trust that her manicotti won’t kill me.
But you know what I don’t really trust? What I’ve never actually trusted with any women I’ve been with? Her feelings.
If she approaches me pissed about something, my first reaction is “What’s wrong?”
My typical second reaction? Before she even gets the opportunity to tell me what’s wrong? “She’s probably overreacting.”
My typical third reaction? After she expresses what’s wrong? “Ok. I hear what you’re saying, and I’ll help. But whatever you’re upset about probably really isn’t that serious.”
I’m both smart and sane, so I don’t actually say any of this aloud. But I am often thinking it. Until she convinces me otherwise, I assume that her emotional reaction to a situation is disproportionate to my opinion of what level of emotional reaction the situation calls for. Basically, if she’s on eight, I assume the situation is really a six.