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The truth behind Facebook AI inventing a new language (píše môj bratranec)

Nothing scary, shocking or even note-worthy happened. Just a regular day with a regular scientific experiment. And then all hell broke loose as wanna-be journalists posted one doomsday article after another. Shutting down a chat bot when it stops showing a reasonable outcome is about as ominous as changing a faulty light bulb.

video recepty v štýle slávnych režisérov

Don’t trust what the fake news media says about Cersei Lannister (aj na u nás sa píše na tieto témy), a ešte v tejto súvislosti: Hey, Black America, Let’s All Ditch Our Slave Names

A century-and-a-half after the end of slavery and I’m still identifying with the name of the slave-owner who once owned my family. That’s my house. Their house. That sucks. That’s a bone deep pain, one hidden and held in the letters of my last name.

beauty of low margins

s deťmi sme pozerali zatmenie (mňa ešte viac zaujalo Path of curiosity

ešte na podobnú tému Voyager’s 40th Anniversary (dobré obrázky)

we react differently to our sons and daughters 

The participants included 52 fathers of toddlers (30 girls and 22 boys) in the Atlanta area who agreed to clip a small personal digital assistant equipped with the EAR software onto their belts and wear it for one weekday and one weekend day. The fathers were also told to leave the device charging in their child’s room at night so any nighttime interactions with their children could be recorded. The device randomly turned on for 50 seconds every nine minutes to record any ambient sound during the 48-hour period.

rozhovor s Pavlom Čekanom (ach, tie slovenské súťaže o eurofondy … určite ste už čítali, ale keby náhodou nie, tak tu)

Tech’s damaging myth of the loner genius nerd (h/t Ondrovi za linku)


Measuring accuracy of latitude and longitude (nemala som byť prekvapená, ale trochu som bola)

badass trees a ešte malé stromy (moja veľká slabosť… jeden som mala, ale neprežil, kým som bola na konferencii, tak teraz ich len takto platonicky obzerám a hovorím si, že snáď ma raz prejde túžba nejaký mať… nepomáha, že máme bonsajové štúdio len pár metrov od domu)

19 Women Leading Math and Physics

Women’s fashion in every year from 1784-1970

WHO creates controversial ‘reserve’ list of antibiotics for superbug threats

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