Veľmi dobre urobené informatívne video. V jednom momente som mala zimomriavky. Ľudia majú radi príbehy a možno si z nich aj zapamätajú viac, ako po prečítaní článku:
In her answer, Strayed departs from the usual advice on whether or not to have a kid, which encourages potential parents to put aside the question of regret, because good decisions aren’t usually made from a place of fear. She says the exact opposite, that actually, “will I regret this?” may be the best way to gauge which decision is the right one
The Profound Potential of Elon Musk’s New Rocket
Let me underscore just how transformative, and how profound, Starship could prove to be to our future in space, and to our understanding of life. I’ve been in this business for a decent chunk of time. In the late 1980s, I was on the team at Martin Marietta, now Lockheed Martin, that did the preliminary design for what is now called the Space Launch System, NASA’s flagship vehicle. It was originally devised as a quick and dirty way to create a heavy-lift booster out of the then-operational Space Shuttle system components. Starship is nothing like the Space Launch System. It’s unlike anything NASA has made before. It represents an entirely new concept of space operations, and the impact it very well may have on science is extraordinary.
Rather than opting to analyze everything for years or decades before any flight tests, as NASA has done, Musk’s approach is to build, launch, crash, fix problems, then try again.
hrali sme sa s deťmi sinuous a so svetluškami
výkričníkový font nadpisu ma vyrušuje, ale ani zďaleka nie toľko, ako by mala kompententných vyrušovať táto správa
Aké vedecké dôkazy chce ešte MZ SR na to, že dieťa má byť s mamou?
Mammograms and Mortality: How Has the Evidence Evolved?
Stále sa v tom celom ešte len učíme dýchať zhlboka. Zúfalo túžime po pokoji v nepokojnom svete. Katastrofické scenáre zrazu žijeme denno-denne a jedno je nám jasné – nemôžeme, nesmieme dopustiť, aby sme v tom ostali opustení. Pretože horší ako pocit bezprostredného ohrozenia je snáď len strach, že sme na všetko sami/y. Že keď bude treba, nik nám nepomôže. Že nedokážeme pomôcť tým, ktorým by sme chceli. Pocity opustenosti a bezmocnosti, ktoré však dokážeme premôcť – starostlivosťou.