nová budova v Amsterdame – zblízka sa mi páči, z diaľky nie, vyzerá ako zbombardovaná
Gun deaths were the leading killer of US children in 2020 (Dobre, v 2020 sa jazdilo menej, zaujímavé bude pozrieť čísla za 2021, ale aj tak… Kika s Kubom majú raz za mesiac v škole shelter-in-place cvičný poplach… ďalší do zbierky dôvodov, prečo ísť odtiaľto preč. Nechcem, aby sa moje deti tak veľa a tak často zaoberali tým, čo robiť, ak by ich prišiel niekto postrieľať… Byť účastníkom autonehody tiež nie je nič moc a aj tak jazdíme, ale niečo nie je v poriadku, keď je v krajine viac detí zastrelených, ako zomrie pri autonehodách. A je nulová šanca, aby sa tu prístup k zbraniam zmenil, keď sa nezmenil po Sandy Hook…)
There is a curious story how Banach got his Ph.D. He was being forced to write a Ph.D. paper and take the examinations, as he very quickly obtained many important results, but he kept saying that he was not ready and perhaps he would invent something more interesting. At last the university authorities became nervous. Somebody wrote down Banach’s remarks on some problems, and this was accepted as an excellent Ph.D. dissertation. But an exam was also required. One day Banach was accosted in the corridor and asked to go to a Dean’s room, as “some people have come and they want to know some mathematical details, and you will certainly be able to answer their questions”. Banach willingly answered the questions, not realising that he was just being examined by a special commission that had come to Lvov for this purpose.
výborná vizualizácia teplotných dát: goldilocks zone finder (US only)
ďalšia pekná vizualizácia: Nobel laureates by place of birth
Why I Regularly Talk About Periods With My Sons
My daughter started her period on the bus ride home today, and a boy a year older than her, that she doesn’t really know, pulled her aside and whispered in her ear that she had a stain on the back of her pants and gave her his sweater to tie around her waist so she could walk home from the bus. She said she was kind of embarrassed and originally said it’s okay, but the boy insisted and told her, ‘I have sisters, it’s all good!’ If you are this boy’s mom, I want to say thank you and that you are raising him right!
mozaiky v chodníkových dierach
krásny článok (aj hodnotenie recenzenta je dobré): The unsuccessful self-treatment of a case of “writer’s block”