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Kdy je nejlepší, aby žena měla děti: Stručný průvodce nevyžádanými radami
Cracking the mystery of egg shape
som veľká fanúšička LLMs, aj chatGPT používam, ale Why chatbots are bound to spout bullshit
It’s a lot easier to generate interesting stories if you’re unconstrained by respect for the truth… If you care about being right, then yes, you should check. But if you care about being noticed or being admired or being believed, then truth is incidental. ChatGPT says a lot of true things, but it says them only as a byproduct of learning to seem believable… Harry Frankfurt cautioned that the bullshitter does not oppose the truth, but “pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.” Be warned: when it comes to bullshit, quantity has a quality of its own.