Stačí nám stolička, vravia matky, ktoré nemohli byť v nemocnici s deťmi
Oddelenie bolo prázdne. Príjemné nebolo ani to, keď mi primárka hovorila, že ako to budú vnímať iné deti, ktoré tam rodičov nemajú, a že z toho budú smutné. Kľúčový problém je, že vôbec existuje diskusia, či blízky môže byť s dieťaťom v nemocnici. Chápem, že niektoré mamy tam byť nemôžu, lebo majú viac detí alebo sú samoživiteľky, ale prečo tam potom nemôže byť s dieťaťom teta, babička alebo dedo?
Inside José Andrés’ risky mission to get food to Gaza
José Andrés, the celebrity chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, is working with the United Arab Emirates to land amphibious crafts, loaded with food, on the shores of Gaza
segregácia je krátkodobé riešenie
Ak by som to mal zhrnúť, tak vzťahy a dobré prostredie na škole sú najdôležitejšie. Na druhom mieste je dôležité hľadať určité diferencované spôsoby učenia a odstupňované úlohy, aby sme mohli zasýtiť všetky deti na rôznych kognitívnych úrovniach.
What is the connection between organism size, cell size and cell number? Or to add some melodrama, does a whale mostly have larger cells or more cells than a mouse?
týmto som minule prekvapila a pobavila deti (Kubo tušil habaďúru):
Imagine you begin a journey in Seattle WA, facing exactly due east. Then start traveling forward, in a straight line along the Earth’s surface. You will travel across North America, and onto the Atlantic Ocean. Eventually, you will hit another country. What is the first country you hit?
how to discover your inner taste? (podsuniem aj Kike a Kubovi)
today’s internet encourages everything to look more the same and is even dulling our ability to know what we like. And we discuss what we can do to strengthen our sense of personal taste in order to live a richer, more beautiful life.
Ukrainian children recount horrors of being kidnapped by Russian soldiers
The trio told leaders at the United Nations in New York last week that Russian soldiers took them captive after the siege of Mairupol, and had planned to send them to live with Russian families.
But they count themselves lucky, and are just three of 388 that have been reunited with loved ones. According to an estimate from the Ukrainian government, there are nearly 30,000 kids that have been forcibly removed or deported from their homes.
Dystopian fiction is when you take things that happen in real life to marginalized populations and apply them to people with privilege.
Day of the year with peak cherry tree blossom in Kyoto, Japan
z Kikinho školského časopisu: