Víkendové surfovanie

Schrödingerov život

Chápete ma, že? Vy, ktorí ste sa vrátili. Vrátili do krajiny, kde sa necítite sami a samy, kde je všetko známe, kde máte korene, kde máte širokú podpornú sieť. Ale aj do krajiny, kde vás vlastne nechcú. Kde máte príliš liberálne názory.


Nikdy som viac neuvažovala o charaktere ženského priateľstva ako teraz po tridsiatke, keď sme sa už trochu upratali, každá si už čo-to zažila, aj sme sa vyhranili, aj sme sa zmenili, aj sme sa pohádali, aj sme sa udobrili a našli si k sebe cestu späť. Niekedy možno príliš úzku, ale predsa.

A čo si čakala, že budete hrať človeče?

Podľa jej slov jej povedali, že ak to dá na súd, problémy by z toho mohla mať aj ona, keďže muž by na odplatu mohol žalovať ju za ohováranie či poškodenie dobrého mena. „Už mi bolo do plaču a bola som nahnevaná. Zahanbená som to musela opakovať viacerým chlapom. Nakoniec som to nechala tak.“ Bála sa, čo vyšetrovanie spôsobí a či sa jej podarí dokázať, že ju niekto znásilnil, keď nebola pri vedomí.

Change is a constant, and I’m struggling to keep up

You can dismiss young people as “too woke” if you want. But culture changes, and you can’t stop it.

Turning this around, it is often hard for younger people to understand how getting older is at times deeply disorienting. It often feels as though the earth is shifting constantly under your feet; things that were once perfectly acceptable can turn harmful. Getting older, I’m learning, can often seem as though much of the world is trying to push you out. You can feel the ground you once knew slipping away.

Wendell Berry: To Know the Dark

by deepai.org text-to-image generator

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is travelled by dark feet and dark wings.

falling out of love with Alexa

výlet Sezamu

deň otvorených dverí UK

Od miesta bydliska môže závisieť či budete rodiť sama alebo s blízkou osobou

Deň mzdovej nerovnosti

Mike Conner v. The Pain

In 2013, a fire-sprinkler engineer fell five stories from the rafters of a church, shattered 108 bones, and almost died. Then began his battle to walk and live again

Perimenopause hits when a woman is at peak busyness. Is it a survival mechanism?

Biologically speaking, the symptoms of perimenopause make sense to me. The average prehistoric 40-something woman would be a grandmother many times over. She may no longer have the physicality for extreme hunting and gathering, but she has the wisdom and empathy to nurture, heal and love all the little ones, the vulnerable, the needy.

She sleeps lightly and little, her sense of smell is acute. She’s snarly when someone she loves needs protection or when they’re being a dick. She has a reduced sexual desire (and sore boobs), which is self-protecting as childbirth at her age is high risk, potentially fatal. She has an extra layer of padding even though she shares her elk shank with the growing children. Her inner heater flares fiercely and allows her to share the fireside. Her brain doesn’t bother holding on to certain trivial facts as she is too busy being indispensable.

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