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domáce práce

Tradičná domácnosť je vo svojej podstate pasca, mechanizmus vyvinutý k tomu, aby systém mohol z jedincov iba profitovať kradnutím ich času a práce, zatiaľ čo všetko potrebné k prežitiu im zabezpečí útlak neplatenej práce, ktorá je rodovo selektívna: majú ju robiť ženy, pretože im je to prirodzené. Domácnosť je miestom privatizácie starostlivosti.

The South Korean woman who adopted her best friend

So the two started looking into family law to see what was possible.

Marriage was out of the question. “We are not romantically involved or trying to get married. And even if we are, we wouldn’t be able to marry since same-sex marriage is not legal in South Korea,” Seo-Ran explains.

“So the only way left for us was this strange option of me adopting Eo-Rie,” she says, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

Under South Korean law, an adult can easily adopt a younger adult with both parties’ consent—an arrangement usually used by those marrying someone with adult children or among conservative families with no sons who adopt males within the extended family to continue “the family line”.

jazyky podľa počtu ľudí, ktorí nimi hovoria, rozdelené podľa toho, či je to prvý jazyk alebo další

In northern Europe, a backlash against English is under way

Some citizens of the Netherlands and Nordic countries wonder what space will be left for their national languages if their flagship universities increasingly do not teach in it.

Many citizens of Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are fluent in English and often impress tourists with their command of the language. This aptitude has also prompted controversy, however, as universities have become excellent, international institutions offering courses taught mostly—or even entirely—in English.

In June the minister of education in the Netherlands announced that at least two-thirds of teaching in undergraduate programmes would have to be in Dutch. University leaders took it badly. The head of the Eindhoven University of Technology has said that “for a number of courses we can’t even find professors who can speak Dutch”. The Dutch government subsequently fell, leaving the policy in limbo.

The worry is that a language like Dutch, if neglected in academic contexts, will eventually lack the vocabulary needed for cutting-edge topics. People discussing such subjects will have to pepper their Dutch with English words—until, that is, talking this way gets so cumbersome they switch to English entirely. It risks leaving the impression that Dutch is somehow unworthy, feeding a vicious cycle.

Kristina Tormová: V škole sa má učiť, nie vypytovať

ZKH píše: Ako si ochrániť psychiku v toľkých tragédiách?

Na rakovinu ste príliš mladá a pekná

Ale veľmi mi ublížilo ponižovanie a zosmiešňovanie v ordináciách. Keď o mne hovorili v mojej prítomnosti v tretej osobe, keď sa uškrnuli, kedykoľvek som spomenula ďalší symptóm, keď ma posielali domov s paralenom alebo s odporúčaním, aby som navštívila psychológa. Alebo keď sa na mňa celý čas ani nepozreli, dívali sa len do počítača.

Nedokázala som pochopiť, prečo sa takto ku mne niekto správa.

Prečo by som mala zveličovať svoje symptómy? Prečo by som dobrovoľne trávila večery na pohotovosti spoveďami o krvi v stolici? Prečo sa niektorí zdravotníci tvárili, akoby to CT, o ktoré som žiadala, mali sami zaplatiť?

Často som sa cítila previnilo ako malé dievča, ktoré niečo urobilo. Pritom som len potrebovala pomoc.

the Earth constitution

rozhovor s Janou Chrappovou, vysokoškolskou učiteľkou, ktorá organizuje aj chemické olympiády a korešpondenčné semináre pre stredoškolákov

Lessons in chemistry – knižka bola dobrá, teším sa, keď si niekedy pozriem aj seriál:

All the light we cannot see – knižka výborná; seriál sme už videli, bol fajn: 

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