svet by mohol byť krajší (video, od Didiho)
nemožné (video, od Mirečka)
globálne otepľovanie (video)
musia byť ženy nahé, aby sa dostali do múzea?
Je veľa dôvodov, prečo by Bachmanová nemala byť americkou prezidentkou, ale toto nie je jeden z nich:
Rival presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s Iowa coalitions director, Jamie Johnson, sent out an email saying that children’s lives would be harmed if the nation had a female president. […] ‘The question then comes, “Is it God’s highest desire, that is, his biblically expressed will, … to have a woman rule the institutions of the family, the church, and the state?
najdlhšie bežiaci experiment na svete
koľko stojí život astronauta? (veľmi zaujímavý článok)
Put simply, when the agency takes some $4 billion in taxpayer money per year to fly humans into space, it really has to fly them there and put them to good use. That amount of money, if spent on ground-based life-saving efforts such as childhood vaccinations, swimming lessons, fire escape inspections, highway repairs, body armor for the troops, save (at the government average of $2 million per life) roughly 2,000 lives. This is the sacrifice that the nation makes so NASA can run a human spaceflight program. In the face of such sacrifice, real results are required.
bol internet vynájdený vo Francúzsku alebo vo Švajčiarsku?
nech si on hovorí, čo chce, sem by som ešte išla
[when you] say things like, “I’m pro-choice, but I am uncomfortable with… [third-trimester abortion / sex-selection / women who have multiple abortions / women who have abortions for “convenience” / etc.]” then what you are saying is that your discomfort matters more than an individual woman’s ability to assess her own circumstances. That you don’t think that women who have abortions think through the very questions that you, sitting there in your easy chair, can come up with. That a woman who is contemplating an invasive, expensive, and uncomfortable medical procedure doesn’t think it through first. In short, that your judgment is better than hers.
CDC zverejnilo novú správu o pôrodoch doma – u bielych matiek sa v USA sa rodí doma 1 z 90 detí (podľa údajov z roku 2009)
takže, či tomu správne rozumiem – pracovať mimo domu žena v Saudskej Arábii z náboženských dôvodov nemôže, ale predávať spodnú bielizeň v obchode hej, lebo alternatíva (= že by ju tam predával muž) je ešte horšia?