life in progress
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Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty? (pdf) naozaj dobré kariéry: nie sme mŕtvi – tváre a slová vojakov pred, počas a po výkone služby v Afganistane slovenskú vedu si všimol New York Times – čítajte aj s diskusiou dobrý článok o detektore lži dospievanie miliardára (Mark Zukerberg) príčina a následok (“8 is the peak age for girls’ leadership ambitions”): laktační psychóza (h/t Kike…


The Kite Runner

By Khaled Hosseini, 2003, 371 pages, amazon I’ve read some good reviews about this book and then (without reading it first) gave it as a Christmas present to one of my friends (of course, with the intention to borrow it one day). Sometime later I asked her how was the book. She told me she had to stop reading it….
