life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

S každým niečo. Kým bol Mišo v Nemecku, zobrala som Kiku na koncert huslistu Filipa Jančíka – taká zmes známych filmových melódií a vianočných pesničiek. S Mišom som pozerala toto: a s Kubom toto: Want to Live Longer? You Better Start Moving A new study from biostatisticians at the University of Colorado, Johns Hopkins University, and several other institutions crunched…


Víkendové surfovanie

staré IKEA katalógy Is It a Cheetah? However, schools are to extraordinarily intelligent children what zoos are to cheetahs. Many schools provide a 10 x 12 foot cage, giving the unusual mind no room to get up to speed. Many highly gifted children sit in the classroom the way big cats sit in their cages, dull-eyed and silent. Some, unable…


Víkendové surfovanie

I do not need Representative Yoho to apologize to me. Clearly he does not want to. Clearly when given the opportunity he will not and I will not stay up late at night waiting for an apology from a man who has no remorse over calling women and using abusive language towards women, but what I do have issue with…


Slnovratové surfovanie

Hong Kong Protesters Return to the Streets The Winners Of The National Geographic Travel Photo Contest Psychology and the Good Life An AI Completes an Unfinished Composition 115 Years After Composer’s Death This November, the Prague Philharmonic will perform the third and final movement of “From the Future World,” an AI-completed composition based on an unfinished piano piece by the…


Víkendové surfovanie

aby ste videli túto stránku, musíte byť offline The truth behind Facebook AI inventing a new language (píše môj bratranec) Nothing scary, shocking or even note-worthy happened. Just a regular day with a regular scientific experiment. And then all hell broke loose as wanna-be journalists posted one doomsday article after another. Shutting down a chat bot when it stops showing a…


Víkendové surfovanie

realita spojená so známymi filmovými scénami (h/t Didi) červená škvrna na Jupiteri sa zmenšuje Historic observations as far back as the late 1800s gauged this turbulent spot to span about 41 000 kilometres at its widest point — wide enough to fit three Earths comfortably side by side. In 1979 and 1980 the NASA Voyager fly-bys measured the spot at a…
