life in progress

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žalujem… moja manželka pribudla do štatistík a ešte rozhovor s autorom the blackest material in the world the return of the DIY abortion In other words, there appear to have been some missing pregnancies in parts of the country where it was hardest to get an abortion. data science of the facebook world I have to say that as I look…


Víkendové surfovanie when patients read what their doctors write Since I started sharing notes with my patients, they have made dozens of valuable corrections and changes, such as adding medication allergies and telling me when a previous medical problem has been resolved. We come up with treatment plans together. And when patients leave, they receive a copy of my detailed instructions….


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Colbie Caillat: Try (vďaka Táni za linku) Women Destroy Science Fiction! Functional programming comes to the Macintosh! Introducing Swift How boys teach each other to be boys She concluded that most of what we think of as “boy” behavior isn’t natural or authentic to boys, but is something they learn to perform. Boys aren’t stoic or aggressive or hierarchical; they…


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calculated injustice poľská blogerka píše o popôrodnej depresii – ťažké čítanie každé dieťa na linku volá s istým zámerom materská sa stále berie ako povaľovanie – ešte tak, keby sa tam nebolo treba registrovať… Facebook news feed experiment


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Nepoprechádzal sa po mesiaci, ale zato urobil túto fotku: xkcd: frequency minimalist effect in maximalist market are you a feminist? when you fall in love, this is what Facebook sees science in a small European country Our hypothesis is that the country’s small population, combined with cultural stereotypes, constitutes an ideal environment for the propagation of ambitious yet mediocre members…

Disney Merida

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(sté v poradí) reakcia na reláciu “Moderné pôrody” Od verejnoprávnej televízie ako divák očakávam, že ma bude informovať nezaujato a čo možno najviac pravdivo. Moderátor nebude zavázdať a pretláčať svoje ničím nepodložené pocity (keď si už nedal tú námahu naštudovať si problematiku). Pri sledovaní Vašej relácie by som ako neinformovaný laik nadobudla pocit, že podstatou moderného pôrodníctva je cisársky rez, epidurálna analgézia,…

Naozaj dobré kariéry

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Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty? (pdf) naozaj dobré kariéry: nie sme mŕtvi – tváre a slová vojakov pred, počas a po výkone služby v Afganistane slovenskú vedu si všimol New York Times – čítajte aj s diskusiou dobrý článok o detektore lži dospievanie miliardára (Mark Zukerberg) príčina a následok (“8 is the peak age for girls’ leadership ambitions”): laktační psychóza (h/t Kike…


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živé kvety v bývalom centre duševného zdravia quants for the rest of us The way I see it, there’s this whole revolution of data and technology and modeling going on right now, but only people with enough dough to pay for the quants are actually actively benefiting from the revolution. So people in finance, obviously, but also internet advertising companies. The…
