life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

superbabies don’t cry by eight months Fiona developed a love for clapping. At nine months she had her first grand mal seizure. At eleven months she rolled from front to back. At one year old she weighed twelve pounds. During that first year, her syndrome revealed itself to be simultaneously life-altering and, in some strange way, just fine. A new…


Meryl Streep o vietekom

A ešte jeden jej starší prejav (2012): When Vera Stremkovskaya, a lawyer and human rights activist from Belarus met Hillary Clinton a few years ago, they took a photograph together. And she said to one of the Secretary’s colleagues, “I want that picture.” And the colleague said, “I will get you that picture as soon as possible.” And Stremkovskaya said,…


Víkendové surfovanie

svietiaci planktón inteligentná encyklopédia (1982) collective snapshots a kolotoče (fotky z rôznych uhlov navrstvené na seba) kúpená diplomovka – nie je mi jasné, ako toto môže fungovať, ak má diplomový vedúci aspoň minimálny kontakt s diplomantom… Prečo je Clintonová moja obľúbená politička? Pre toto: (ale to oslovenie! the gentleman… naozaj?) …a ešte preto, že má zmysel pre humor

Pick-up artist

Víkendové surfovanie

matematické preklady známych fráz ako bude vyzerať križovatka v dobe áut bez šoférov (video) “There would be an intersection manager,” Stone says, “an autonomous agent directing traffic at a much finer-grain scale than just a red light for one direction and a green light for another direction.” Because of this, we won’t need traffic lights at all (or stop signs, for…
