life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

realita spojená so známymi filmovými scénami (h/t Didi) červená škvrna na Jupiteri sa zmenšuje Historic observations as far back as the late 1800s gauged this turbulent spot to span about 41 000 kilometres at its widest point — wide enough to fit three Earths comfortably side by side. In 1979 and 1980 the NASA Voyager fly-bys measured the spot at a…


Víkendové surfovanie

overview of menstrual pads of past and present the science of best chocolate chip cookies (aj my sme si v piatok spravili) You see, I’ve never been able to get a chocolate chip cookie exactly the way I like. I’m talking chocolate cookies that are barely crisp around the edges with a buttery, toffee-like crunch that transitions into a chewy, moist center that bends like…
