life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

Včera vo veku 40 rokov na rakovinu zomrela Maryam Mirzakhani, matematička iránskeho pôvodu, jediná žena, ktorá dostala Fieldsovu medailu (keď sa dávali naposledy, v roku 2014). Mala českého manžela a malú dcéru. To her dismay, Mirzakhani did poorly in her mathematics class that year. Her math teacher didn’t think she was particularly talented, which undermined her confidence. At that age, “it’s…


Fieldsova medaila po prvýkrát pre ženu

Dostala ju Maryam Mirzakhani z Iránu. The Fields Medal is given every four years, and several can be awarded at once. The other recipients this year are Artur Avila of the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics in Brazil and the National Center for Scientific Research in France; Manjul Bhargava of Princeton University; and Martin Hairer of the University…
