life in progress

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José Andrés: Let People Eat The seven people killed on a World Central Kitchen mission in Gaza on Monday were the best of humanity. They are not faceless or nameless. They are not generic aid workers or collateral damage in war. Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, John Chapman, Jacob Flickinger, Zomi Frankcom, James Henderson, James Kirby and Damian Sobol risked everything…


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rozhovor s moderátorom Kovačičom toto ma pobavilo: CDC Announces Plan To Send Every U.S. Household Pamphlet On Probabilistic Thinking …if Americans took away one easy lesson from the pamphlet, she hoped it would be P(H|E) = (P(E|H) *P(H))/P(E). New Mannahatta na prvý pohľad vyzerá, akoby tiež bol z The Onion, ale nie je nie so všetkým súhlasím, ale stojí za zamyslenie:…


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scenario: an extinction level asteroid is detected on a collision course with the earth. here is an exact timeline of what would happen budúcnosť s deltou On the dilemma between lives and economy should everybody learn English? Pink offers to pay bikini bottoms fine for Norway women’s handball team corporate social responsibility is not a solution to government problems Across…


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vyhlásenie senátu UK k akademickej samospráve (pod toto vyhlásenie sa podpísala aj naša fakulta a neskôr aj celá univerzita) Novelu vysokoškolského zákona, ktorú aktuálne pripravuje Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky, dôrazne odmietame a považujeme ju za snahu o politické ovládnutie vysokého školstva na Slovensku. Vyzývame predkladateľa novely, aby obnovil dialóg s tými, ktorých sa táto právna úprava bezprostredne týka, a aby ju…


Brandi Carlile: The Mother

Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind Tethered to another and you’re worried all the time You always knew the melody but you never heard it rhyme She’s fair and she is quiet, Lord, she doesn’t look like me She made me love the morning, she’s a holiday at sea The New York streets are as busy…



ešte jedna lampa – tentokrát o školstve (highly recommended) fascinujúce, ako sa pohyb po rovnej čiare premení na “kruhový” 🙂 Jenny Offill on Modern Motherhood I’ve always been someone who lives very much in my head. The startling, terrifying (and sometimes exhilarating) thing about becoming a mother was that that vanished almost immediately. I couldn’t think in any sustained way anymore;…


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calculated injustice poľská blogerka píše o popôrodnej depresii – ťažké čítanie každé dieťa na linku volá s istým zámerom materská sa stále berie ako povaľovanie – ešte tak, keby sa tam nebolo treba registrovať… Facebook news feed experiment



dobrá prednáška Dona Knutha 24 people who applied for the world’s toughest job were in for quite a surprise (h/t Zuzine za linku) How my husband and I finally achieved equality at home At first, it was easy. Tom and I supported each other in our work, shared the domestic drudgery equally, and always seemed to have time for each other and…


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state of the world’s mothers (annual index) What are the world’s best and worst places to be a mother? Each year, Save the Children analyzes the health, education and economic conditions for women and children around the world. Summaries of our findings are provided in the […] reports. Thanksgiving in Mongolia (ťažké čítanie, obzvlášť pre práve tehotných) I knew that a child would…

Wisdom I

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 PhD Comics: Wisdom from my 3 year old:   design agency lets clients pay what they want portréty matiek s ich jednodňovými bábätkami amazon prime air how to get good at chess, fast úžasné fotky snehových vločiek gender neutral parenting: 5 ways to avoid implicit sexism
