life in progress

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Photos of the Women’s Marches Around the World, vrátane Antarktídy, ešte jedna ďalšia na CNN zatiaľ osem pánov a jedna dáma diskutujú, prečo tie ženy vlastne pochodujú… osem! Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data parádna šachová partia: toto sme si chceli pozrieť, ale nestihli tak sme si pozreli toto (v 2009 sme to mali kúsok od domu)


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U.N. Picks Powerful Feminist (Wonder Woman) for Visible Job (Mascot) The United Nations just rejected seven female candidates vying to lead the global organization. Now, to promote women and girls, it is picking a cartoon character as its mascot: Wonder Woman. really bad chess just like chess, but with totally random pieces. Try 8 Knights, 4 Bishops, and 3 pawns The Nobel Prize…


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žalujem… moja manželka pribudla do štatistík a ešte rozhovor s autorom the blackest material in the world the return of the DIY abortion In other words, there appear to have been some missing pregnancies in parts of the country where it was hardest to get an abortion. data science of the facebook world I have to say that as I look…

Lego fotograf

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tento legový fotograf je výborný výborný je aj tento dizajn knihy Farenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about a dystopian future where books are outlawed and firemen burn any house that contains them. The story is about suppressing ideas, and about how television destroys interest in reading literature. I wanted to spread the book-burning message to the book itself. The…

Wisdom I

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 PhD Comics: Wisdom from my 3 year old:   design agency lets clients pay what they want portréty matiek s ich jednodňovými bábätkami amazon prime air how to get good at chess, fast úžasné fotky snehových vločiek gender neutral parenting: 5 ways to avoid implicit sexism

Scientific literacy

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rady pre slobodné ženy, ako loviť chlapov – rok 1938, nie príliš odlišné od rád v roku 2011 polovica Američanov si myslí, že obyčajné paradajky nemajú gény, ale geneticky modifikované áno: dojmy z konferencie “Čo ženy chcú” (o pôrodoch), ktorá sa konala v Martine. zdá sa, že toto veľmi nepomáha, The 2009 Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) law criminalises child…
