life in progress

Čo by ma presvedčilo, že umelá inteligencia je (ľudsky) inteligentná?

Prvýkrát som o Turingovom teste čítala na vysokej škole. Pointa bola, že ak ho nejaký “stroj” (rozumej počítač, digitálny model …) prejde, znamená to, že jeho inteligentné správanie je na nerozoznanie od ľudského. Test samotný spočíva v tom, že máme tri miestnosti, ktoré sa navzájom nevidia: v jednej je počítač, v jednej je človek a v tretej je skúšajúci. Komunikujú…


Víkendové surfovanie

What I Don’t Tell My Students About ‘The Husband Stitch’ “He is not a bad man, and that, I realize suddenly, is the root of my hurt,” the narrator says. “He is not a bad man at all. To describe him as evil or wicked or corrupted would be a deep disservice to him. And yet — ” Machado is teaching us…


Víkendové surfovanie

Seven ways the world is not designed for women How Breast Size Affects How Women Exercise The results were consistent and rather worrying. As women’s breast sizes grew, their participation in physical activity declined, particularly if that exercise was vigorous. Few very-large-breasted women jogged, for example. Viagra Might Relieve Period Cramps, but Male Pharmaceutical Execs Don’t Care When Viagra —…



Democracy of convenience, not of choice: why is Eastern Europe different There are, in my opinion, two considerations that are almost never taken into account when the reluctance, or outright refusal, of East European countries to accept African and Asian migrants, many of them Islamic, is discussed.  They are the history of these countries over the past two centuries, and…



Najprv na tému posledných týždňov: Tá kniha… tak tá kniha je už vonku z hlavy. Nie je ešte na papieri, ale v nedeľu v noci… hm, no dobre, v pondelok nad ránom… sme ju odovzdali. Teraz ju pozerá editor a nám zostali také milé činnosti ako doladiť obálku, vyrobiť index, škrípať zubami, koľko chýb tam ešte ostalo… hm, a pustiť…


Víkendové surfovanie

Torching the Modern-Day Library of Alexandria The stations—which didn’t so much scan as photograph books—had been custom-built by Google from the sheet metal up. Each one could digitize books at a rate of 1,000 pages per hour. The book would lie in a specially designed motorized cradle that would adjust to the spine, locking it in place. Above, there was…



Komenského inštitút Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute to Be Scared? When girls become women, this fear manifests as deference and timid decision making. We try to counter this conditioning by urging ourselves to “lean in.” Books on female empowerment proliferate on our shelves. I admire what these writers are trying to do — but they come far…
