life in progress

Hold on to your kids

Táto kniha má podnadpis “Prečo treba, aby na rodičoch záležalo viac ako na rovesníkoch”. Niekedy pred časom som tu písala o knihe Nurture assumption, ktorá mala pre zmenu podnadpis “Na rodičoch záleží menej, než si myslíte a na rovesníkoch viac”. V niečom sú tieto knihy protikladmi, ale v niečom sa dosť dopĺňajú. Hovorí o tom, že rovesníci naše deti ovplyvňujú rôznymi…


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‘Not Rescuing’ Our Kids Shouldn’t Mean Letting Them Flounder That is not an unreasonable approach to shepherding your children into the pasture of responsibility, and we’ve certainly practiced various forms of it over the years with our own children. No, you can’t spend our money on Cheez-Its from the school vending machine because you left your peanut-butter rice cake at…


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zopár videí z našich simulácií na pobavenie: dobrý rozhovor s Ivetou Lazorovou Are search queries becoming even more unique? Statistics from Google 20% of searches each day are new or haven’t been completed in the last 6 months what color is the sun? This may sound like a trivial question, but what color is the Sun? Really — I realize…


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the day of the condom The Effects of Menstruation on Attitudes Towards Women Participants interacted with a female confederate who ostensibly accidentally dropped either a tampon or hair clip out of her handbag. Dropping the tampon led to lower evaluations of the confederate’s competence, decreased liking for her, and a marginal tendency to avoid sitting close to her. Relational Self…


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deti objavujú matematiku samy a baví ich to horenie zápalky vo veeeľmi spomalenom zábere: toto: Let me break down parenting for you, and why it’s so hard. Before you have kids, you think it’s the diapers or the late nights or the mortification of trading in your car for a minivan. But really, it’s the mind games. It’s the daily,…


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97% vaginálnych pôrodov v Žilinskej pôrodnici je s nástrihom (najviac na Slovensku) – údaj za rok 2011 (2012 ešte nie je dostupný), z tohto článku, ku ktorému majú lekári prístup cez Slovenskú lekársku kniznicu… mne je z toho zle… údaje o všetkých slovenských pôrodniciach si môžete pozrieť v tejto elektronickej knižke projekt môjho bratranca Milý Ježíšku… – ak môžte, pomôžte, ak nemôžte,…

Wisdom I

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 PhD Comics: Wisdom from my 3 year old:   design agency lets clients pay what they want portréty matiek s ich jednodňovými bábätkami amazon prime air how to get good at chess, fast úžasné fotky snehových vločiek gender neutral parenting: 5 ways to avoid implicit sexism


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parents to share childcare (UK, od Zuziny) “people analytics” (nie je to presne to, čo robí NSA, CIA a im podobní…?) When the results came back, Haringa recalled, his heart began to beat a little faster. Without ever seeing the ideas, without meeting or interviewing the people who’d proposed them, without knowing their title or background or academic pedigree, Knack’s algorithm…
