life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

state of the world’s mothers (annual index) What are the world’s best and worst places to be a mother? Each year, Save the Children analyzes the health, education and economic conditions for women and children around the world. Summaries of our findings are provided in the […] reports. Thanksgiving in Mongolia (ťažké čítanie, obzvlášť pre práve tehotných) I knew that a child would…


Víkendové surfovanie

neznášam, keď mi hovoria, že som dobrý otec With no context — and no real basis for interpretation — the act of labeling someone a “good dad” suggests that most dads are, by our very nature as fathers, somehow less than “good.” That we don’t care. That we’re mostly cruel. What’s more, the phrase evinces a heinous double standard: It’s not…

Kissing sailor

Víkendové surfovanie

interaktívne učenie Thus Mazur begins a class with a student-sourced question, then asks students to think the problem through and commit to an answer, which each records using a handheld device (smartphones work fine), and which a central computer statistically compiles, without displaying the overall tally. If between 30 and 70 percent of the class gets the correct answer (Mazur…

Toto ostane

Víkendové surfovanie

ako sa vyrábajú korkové zátky It all starts in the forest. Cork oaks are harvested every nine years, once they reach maturity. It doesn’t harm the tree, and the cork bark regrows. Most cork forests are in Portugal and Spain. kritika vs hejterstvo – kde sú hranice? Čilský chlapec kreslí obrázky, ktoré vyskakujú z papiera a Ruská umelkyňa vyrába zaujímavé obrazy zo…


Víkendové surfovanie

femtofotografie: vzdelanie pre všetkých: ešte raz k Olypiáde – prečo nie sú víťazstvá Jima Thorpa stále uznané On the second day, Thorpe’s shoes were missing. Warner hastily put together a mismatched pair in time for the high jump, which Thorpe won. Later that afternoon came one of his favorite events, the 110-meter hurdles. Thorpe blistered the track in 15.6 seconds,…


The Aims of Education

By A. N. Whitehead, 1929, 247 pages, amazon At the beginning of this semester prof. Kriegsmann, who teaches us Asymptotics II, was gone for a few lectures and prof. Booty was filling up for him. I have to admit that the fluid flow problem that he went over with us during that time was not too interesting for me. But…
